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by James Stejskal











Special Operations Glossary

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The Special Forces community and the military services in general use a multitude of words, phrases, and acronyms in its vocabulary, documentation, correspondence, and publications.  This glossary is intended to aid those unfamiliar with specific special operations terminology.

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NAI.  Named Area of Interest.

NAR.  Non-conventional Assisted Recovery.  Evader recovery conducted by SOF UW ground forces.  Used where CSAR forces are unable to operate.

NATO.  North Atlantic Treat Organization.

NAVSOA.  Naval Special Operations Aviation.

NAVSOF.  Naval Special Operations Forces.

NBC.  Nuclear Biological and Chemical.

NCO. Non-commissioned officer.

NEO.  Noncombatant Evacuation Operation.  See FM 3-04.104, Army Special Operations Forces Noncombatant Evacuation Operations, February 2004.

NEOPACK.  Noncombatant Evacuation Operation Pack.

NET.  No Earlier Than.

NGA.  National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.

NGO.  Non-Governmental Organization.

NG SF.  See National Guard Special Forces.

NIMA. National Imagery and Mapping Agency.

NIPRNET.  Non-Secure Internet Protocol Router Network.

NIST.  National Intelligence Support Team.

NKVD. People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs, forerunner of Russia's KGB.

NLT.  No Later Than.  As in NLT 0500.

NIU. National Intelligence Unversity. www.ni-u.edu

NMCC.  National Military Command Center.

NOC. A CIA term meaning "non-official cover". A NOC is someone who works in the most covert of CIA assignments - with no connection to a U.S. government position or agency. A NOC does not have diplomatic immunity. The acronym NOC is pronounced "knock". Many pose as business executives under a program called the "Global Deployment Inititative" which established "front companies". See related news article.

NOD.  Night Observatioin Device.

NOK.  Next of Kin.

NOE.  Nap of the Earth.

NORDO.  No Radio.

NRO.  National Reconnaissance Office.

NSA.  National Security Agency.

NSWTG.  Naval Special Warfare Task Group.

NSWTU.  Naval Special Warfare Task Unit.

NTC.  National Training Center.

NTV.  Non-Tactical Vehicle.

NVD.  Night Vision Device.

NVG.  Night Vision Googles.


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